About Coexistence Narrative

Coexistence Narrative is an experiment to test the idea that a business can be used to change the world. It is a content creation company that strives to control the narrative around wolves and wolfdogs to educate, advocate, and inspire action.

Controlling the narrative around wolves and wolfdogs to educate, advocate, and inspire action.

My Story

A while back, I was introduced to wolves, and like so many others, I felt an unexplainable connection to them. This sparked an interest, bordering on obsession.

I set out to learn as much as I possibly could about the issues they are facing and what could be done to help them.

I learned about our perception of them throughout history, their constant conflict with the ranching community, their competition with hunters for ungulate species, their association with their with government overreach, their role as a keystone species in our ecosystems, and so many other components of the complex relationship we have with this species.

But, I quickly realized that facts, statistics, and science, play a very small role in the war against wolves.

Instead, it is controlled by emotion, politics, and money.

Around this same time, I was studying entrepreneurship in university. So I decided to focus on the money part of the equation.

I began to dive deeper into the financial impact of wolves’ depredation of livestock, the revenue comparison of hunting outfitters vs. wolf watching tourism, the indirect costs associated with a balanced vs. unbalanced ecosystem.

More importantly, I began to follow the money trails in the political decision making of wildlife management.

I saw how large corporations used wolves as a means to build anger and frustration against the federal government and channel that frustration into movements to decrease regulations.

I saw them run campaigns to create irrational fear for a species that poses no threat to people and then direct that fear to removing protection for all natural predators.

I saw them use all of this to build momentum for their larger movements to remove protection not only from all endangered species but from the public lands that they live in.

I was appalled. But I was also struck by the incredible amount of influence they had.

They had looked at an obstacle they were facing (federal regulation), they identified a leverage point (wolves), and they had the means (money) to put their strategy into action.

I figured if this could be used to strip protection from wilderness and wildlife, maybe it could be used to the opposite too.

So I set out to start a business that would change the world for the better, starting with wolves.

My Plan

Here’s what I came up with:

In divided issues like wolf management, the most important group we can reach is the curious middle.

The people on both extremes are never going to change their mind, and finding a middle ground is extremely difficult and, honestly, rarely accomplishes anything unless it’s done with the high level decision makers.

So, middle ground. Let’s break that down a little further – someone who heard something about wolves, maybe a conversation in a bar, maybe on the news, doesn’t matter. They heard something about wolves, it piqued their interest, and they’re curious enough to want to hear more. 

So what’s the first thing that they’re gonna do? Google it. Or if they’re younger, watch some YouTube or TikTok videos. 

So that’s step 1 of my strategy. Through search engine optimization and social media content creation, I going to positively influence the perception of wolves in North America.

Whenever someone googles “Are wolves decimating the elk population?” or “Do wolves attack livestock?” or “Are wolves a threat to humans?” or any of the other big questions, I want them to find my content that provides good, accurate information based on science rather than fear mongering.

So let’s get started. Step 2 will be much bigger, but this is a long term plan.