Wolfdogs and Wolves in the Wild

Which is a bigger threat to humans and livestock? Conflict with Humans Wolves in the wild have a very strong natural fear of humans that has been instilled in them from generations of persecution and hunting. On the other hand, although they are also very skittish and cautious around strangers, wolfdogs are much more comfortable … Read more

Wyoming Ranchers Receive New Compensation Program for Grass Eaten by Elk

Wyoming recently made adjustments to their Game and Fish’s Damage Claims Regulations in response to complaints from ranchers about elk competing with livestock for grazing land.  Apparently, the elk are so overpopulated that they are eating all of the grass, costing the ranchers money.  This issue is interesting because it seems to directly contradict the … Read more

Oregon Authorizes Lethal Removal of Another Wolf

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife recently authorized lethal removal of one wolf from the Logan Valley Pack following a series of livestock depredations. Four depredations resulting in four injured cattle and two dead calves have been attributed to the pack in the last four months. This conflict occurred even after the ranchers increased human … Read more

Colorado Plans to Relocate Reintroduced Wolves after Conflict with Livestock

Colorado Parks and Wildlife has announced their decision to capture and relocate the Copper Creek Pack due to pressure from the ranching community. This is the first pack that was reintroduced to Colorado this last December. This decision is disappointing to many advocates who had hoped that Colorado would place a higher value on learning … Read more